The executive director of Alpha International Ministries says hunger for the truth of God's Holy Word continues to increase in northern India.For more than four decades,
Alpha International Ministries has been working to spread the gospel throughout northern India. During the first quarter of this year, more than 160,000 people have attended evangelistic meetings held by Alpha Ministries.Pastor Benny Matthews, executive director of the ministry, shares that persecution increases as more people respond to the gospel. "We have seen around 10,665 decisions in the first quarter of this year,"says Matthews."So when you see such things happening, the devil is not happy.That's one of the biggest problems we are facing.The gospel is going out,God's work is being done,people are hearing the Gospel,and when the devil is losing ground,he's upset."In May,a Bible college run by Alpha Ministries was attacked by Hindu extremists.The rise in persecution has led the ministry to increase it outreaches.For example,Alpha Ministries has nearly 400 children in special homes throughout northern India.The homes were started by pastors as persecution against Christians increased.
Matthews explains that the ministry has a number of other outreaches all meant to share the gospel in tangible ways."We have church-based Bible institutes in key parts of north India and we have churches in different regions where they've trained up pastors,"he notes.In addition to the pastoral training,says Matthews,Alpha Ministries supports more than 100 widows each month."So we are not only sharing the gospel," he explains,"we should say there's 'soap,soup, and salvation' to the people."Alpha Ministries International has more than 500 native missionaries throughout northern India.
http://www.onenewsnow.com/2007/07/persecution_a_catalyst_for_out.phpAs in the days of Noah...