"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

ONE WORLD RELIGION:From Ecumenism to Mysticism to Heresy

When you mix iron and clay, you get a mixture without any strength. When you mix truth with lies, you get a useless ideology and dissatisfied people.If you have not heard of the movement toward a one world religion, you have been hiding in a remote cabin in the Rocky Mountains.I first heard of the Ecuminical Movement when I was growing up.I didn’t pay it any attention because the idea that Baptists and Church of Christ could merge into one church was ridiculous to me.When you throw Catholics into the mix, you get an even more ridiculous scenario.I knew such reconciliation was impossible because I knew the theological differences among the denominations were insurmountable.Someone who believes that salvation is by grace cannot reconcile with someone who believes salvation is through works.If one teachings is true-then the other cannot be true.Then you take the Baptists and Protestants and try to reconcile with the Catholics and it is even more impossible, because you cannot reconcile the idea of the Catholic Pope, (a man who dies like any other man) as being the vicar of Christ. Baptists, Protestants, and Catholics all believe in Jesus Christ, but they have vastly different teachings on how to reach Him.Next, try to reconcile with the various religions of the world such as Hindu,Islam,Wicca,New Age,Pagan, and Collectivists (socialists, communists, humanists, etc..) and the task becomes even more impossible.I was raised by very straight forward and truthful parents.It never occurred to either me or my parents that bringing about a one world religion would require changing the debate.We saw a one world religion as something that was impossible as long as there was no compromise on the truth.A reconciliation of the world’s religions is impossible IF the debate is based on the truth. So those seeking a one world religion set out to change the focus of the debate from ‘truth versus error’ to creating things in common among all religions and belief systems.‘Feelings’ and ‘experience’ are placed above truth.Those pushing the reconciliation of religions know full well that truth and feelings really have no connection...
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As in the days of Noah...