A woman who was inside Islamabad's Red Mosque when it was stormed by Pakistani troops on 10 July has given the BBC one of the first accounts of the final hours of the siege.Unwilling to be named,the survivor said she was not held hostage by militants inside:"I was not in contact with my family.They asked me to come back home,but I said that I would never come back as I wished to be martyred.A girl who came with us was taken home forcibly.She was crying and told the teacher that she didn't want to go back.The teacher asked her to go back with her parents.We felt sorry for her as we came here with the passion of jihad [holy war] and to preach Islam, and now because there was a problem the girls had gone back. We did not appreciate the parents behaviour.We wanted to carry out suicide attacks. We didn't have enough ammunition to fight face to face.We had a small number of arms with which our mujahideen brothers were fighting.We asked the teacher to provide us with arms necessary for suicide attacks.She said that we didn't have sufficient explosives.Yes,we had a passion and we were willing to go to all lengths... After meeting my father,I was overcome by grief as I had hoped to be a martyr and come back alive.Now they've attacked the Red Mosque and Jamia Hafsa [the seminary attached to it],I hope the whole country will have Red Mosques.I will work for jihad, and open a madrassa and train people for jihad."
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You've just have read from the lips of a muslim woman what madrassas are all about and what this "terrorist factories" as I call them do to young people.Can you picture this woman having children???She won't care to have as many as she can and then put little bomb vests and send them on their way...This kind of lunacy is what is being taught all over the world not only at madrassas but at mosques.Be watchful.They are in your neighbourhood too....As in the days of Noah....