KASHIWAZAKI, Japan-Radioactive material leaked undetected for days at an earthquake-battered nuclear power plant even as the utility was assuring the public that the damage posed no danger to those outside the site, company executives admitted Thursday.The revelation cast more doubt on the plant's emergency measures and the response by Japan's largest power company,while the indefinite shutdown of the world's most powerful electricity generating facility raised serious fears of a summer power shortage.Tokyo Electric Power Co. confirmed reports that radioactive material was leaking as late as Wednesday night, nearly three days after the plant suffered a near-direct hit from a quake that killed 10 people and injured more than 1,000 in Kashiwazaki on Japan's northern coast.It was government inspectors who found radioactive iodine venting from an exhaust pipe at the plant's No. 7 nuclear reactor, said Hisanori Nei, an official with the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.It escaped between Tuesday and Wednesday night, Nei said.
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http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/J/JAPAN_QUAKE?SITE=CODER&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULTAs in the days of Noah....