The seventh and final Harry Potter book will go on sale worldwide Saturday at 2:01 A.M.Israel time, and Israeli bookstore chains are planning festive celebrations to mark the event.Steimatzky will launch the"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" at a large celebration in Tel Aviv's old port.The event will start at midnight,and will include a countdown until the English-language version of the book goes on sale at special booths set up by the chain.Video screens will also broadcast an interview Harry Potter's creator, J.K. Rowling,which will be recorded shortly before the launch in the grand Victorian surroundings of London's Natural History Museum.Rowling will discuss the book's plot and her motivation in writing it.The celebrations come despite a threat by Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) to issue indictments and impose fines on stores that violate the Hours of Work and Rest Law by selling the book on Shabbat.
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/884422.htmlAs in the days of Noah...