RAMALLAH,West Bank-A top PLO body gave its approval Thursday for President Mahmoud Abbas to hold new presidential and legislative elections, a high-stakes gamble meant to sideline Hamas militants but also bound to set off more confrontations between Palestinian rivals Fatah and Hamas. Hamas,which won parliament elections last year,immediately threatened to derail a new vote.On Friday,Israel started releasing more than 250 Palestinian prisoners in an attempt to bolster Abbas in his power struggle with Hamas.Most of those released were from Abbas' Fatah movement.A first batch of about 120 prisoners were put aboard buses at the Ketziot prison camp in southern Israel's Negev desert early Friday morning, headed for the West Bank.The transfer was scheduled to be completed by around midday when all 256 released prisoners are to meet Abbas at his Ramallah headquarters.Israel holds about 9,200 Palestinian prisoners,most of whom were arrested during the past seven years of Israeli-Palestinian fighting.Palestinian officials said they hoped more inmates would be freed soon."This release breaks the ice between us and the Israelis on the issue of prisoners,"said Ziad Abu Ein,the Palestinian deputy minister of prisoner affairs.Abu Ein said the prisoners being freed had an average of three years left on their sentences.
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