As in the days of Noah...
BIG BROTHER:VeriChip Announces AMA Recommends RFID Devices
American Medical Association’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs has adopted a policy stating that implantable RFID devices may help to identify patients, thereby improving the safety and efficiency of patient care.VeriChip Corp., a provider of RFID systems for healthcare and patient-related needs, recently announced the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs has adopted a policy stating that implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) devices may help to identify patients, thereby improving the safety and efficiency of patient care, and may be used to enable secure access to patient clinical information.VeriChip anticipates that the AMA’s recommendation will enhance the company’s marketing efforts by accelerating the adoption by hospitals of the VeriMed Patient Identification System and increasing the profile of the VeriChip among the medical community.