"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Little Boy Who Lost Leg in Lawn Mower Accident Relates How Jesus Came and Stayed With Him Until Doctors Took Over

Braden remembers "his Grandma calling 911, the ambulance coming to his home and the presence of Jesus."
Kay Quinn/TN (May 19th, 2007)

Six-year old Braden Sims of Harrisburg, Ill., related to KSDK News how he lost his leg when it slipped under a riding lawn mower that his mother was on last summer. (Photo: KSKD)
According to the report, Braden remembers "his Grandma calling 911, the ambulance coming to his home and the presence of Jesus."
"When I was in the ambulance, I still was crying, and Jesus was doing that (holding the leg), and then when I got in the hospital He let it go and let them handle it," said Braden. "I'm really lucky I'm alive," he added.
Since that day, Braden has had several surgeries and will need new prosthetics as his leg grows, a situation that KSDK made known to their viewing public.
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PS:"IF you would have faith as little children.....!!!!!!"
As in the day of Noah....
"Nino que perdiera una pierna en accidente de cortadora de cesped,cuenta como JESUS vino y estuvo con el hasta que los doctores se hicieron cargo de el"
Braden recuerda"su abuela llamando 911,la ambulancia llegando a su casa y la presencia de Jesus"

Braden Sims de 6 anos de edad de Harrisburg,Illinois,conto al noticiero de KSDK,como perdio su pierna cuando se resbalo y cayo debajo de una cortadora de cesped que su madre estaba manejando el verano pasado.
Braden recuerda:"Cuando estaba en la ambulancia estaba llorando todavia,y Jesus estaba sosteniendo mi pierna y despues cuando llegue al hospital,la solto y dejo que los medicos se hicieran cargo de mi",dijo Braden"soy muy afortunado de estar vivo"agrego.
Desde ese dia,braden ha tenido muchas cirugias y necesitara nuevas piernas prosteticas mientras siga creciendo.
Para leer el resto de la historia hacer click en el vinculo de arriba.....
"Si tuviereis fe como un nino....!!!!!!!!"
Como en los dias de Noe....